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- Clerkship

Clerkship comprises the last two years of the four-year MD Program. Clerkship is an integrated learning experience that enables you to further develop the knowledge, skills and professional attitudes introduced in Foundations, as you learn to care for patients effectively, efficiently and humanely. This is achieved through practical application in clinical settings as part of a health care team. As clerks, you learn to master patient care, both in hospital and at community-based clinics and doctors’ offices.
The Faculty's goals are to facilitate learning, to stimulate curiosity, to promote independent thinking, to encourage compassionate, excellent care, and to equip students for a lifetime of education.
The clerkship curriculum will allow you to attain the competencies outlined in the MD Program Competencies. The specific learning objectives of each course in clerkship describe how they individually contribute to the fulfillment of these overall goals and objectives.
Clerkship is 75 weeks long, and is divided into third year (50 weeks) and fourth year (25 weeks). In the third year of clerkship, students participate in a rotation-based clerkship.
For a description of the design of the curriculum for third and fourth year, please refer to the MD Program Academic Calendar.
For more information about clerkship:
- Clerkship Courses
- 2T5 clerkship schedule - Year 3 [PDF]
- 2T5 clerkship schedule - Year 4 [PDF]
- 2T6 clerkship schedule - Year 3 [PDF]
- 2T6 clerkship schedule - Year 4 (INTERIM) [PDF] - Note: This is an interim schedule and subject to change
- 2T7 clerkship schedule - Year 3 (INTERIM) [PDF] - Note: This is an interim schedule and subject to change
- Key Dates
- Clerkship Course Directors and Administrators
- Clerkship Responsibilities & Relevant Policies
Clerkship courses
The clerkship curriculum is comprised of the following courses:
Third-year courses
- Transition to Clerkship - TTC 310Y
- Anesthesia - ANS 310Y
- Emergency Medicine - EMR 310Y
- Family and Community Medicine - FCM 310Y
- Internal Medicine - MED 310Y
- Obstetrics and Gynaecology - OBS 310Y
- Ophthalmology - OPT 310Y
- Otolaryngology - Head and Neck Surgery - OTL 310Y
- Paediatrics - PAE 310Y
- Portfolio - PFL 310Y
- Psychiatry - PSS 310Y
- Surgery - SRG 310Y
- Clerkship OSCE - OSC 310Y / OSC 410Y
Fourth-year courses
- Electives - ELV 410Y
- Clerkship OSCE - OSC 310Y / OSC 410Y
- Portfolio - PFL 410Y
- Transition to Residency - TTR 410Y
For descriptions of these courses, see clerkship courses.