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A unique feature of the University of Toronto MD Program is its academy structure. Each of our four academies is comprised of clusters of the University’s affiliated hospitals and health care sites. They offer a unique combination of educational settings based on the strengths of their member hospitals while at the same time maintaining a consistent high standard of curriculum delivery.
At the academies, students learn clinical skills, participate in problem-based learning, interprofessional education and conduct research in community-based partner agencies. The academies foster a smaller learning environment within a larger program and provide the hospital-based portions of the curriculum in a supportive, student-focused learning environment.
Read more about each of the four academies:
Admission to the MD Program includes assignment to a specific academy. On occasion an exceptional situation arises when a student may be better served at academy an different from the one to which they were assigned. Further details about academy transfers, including an Academy Transfer Application Form, are available in the MD Program’s Academic Calendar.