We provide high-quality faculty development programming to support faculty, supervisors, preceptors, field instructors, clinical educators, and status appointees throughout their teaching roles.
MD Program Office of Faculty Development
The MD Program Office Faculty Development offers a variety of opportunities to help medical educators prepare for their teaching roles in the MD Program at the University of Toronto. We offer sessions and resources that are designed to meet the needs of faculty members’ teaching roles and responsibilities in the foundations and clerkship medical curriculum. Faculty Development opportunities are designed for both the seasoned faculty member and for those new to teaching. All faculty members are welcome to participate in faculty development.
The Centre for Faculty Development (CFD) is a unique partnership between the University of Toronto (U of T) and St. Michael's Hospital, a fully affiliated teaching hospital. Through innovation, capacity building and scholarship in the design, implementation and evaluation of faculty development, the CFD is committed to enhancing the academic development of faculty in the Faculty of Medicine and additional Health Science Faculties (i.e. nursing, pharmacy, etc.) at both U of T and other institutions. In addition to this commitment, the CFD welcomes anyone, regardless of whether they have a faculty appointment or not, who has a role related to teaching, education and academic work in their health care organization or setting.