You Said, We Did

The MD Program is committed to showing the actions that have been driven by the data students have provided us. 

To do so, we publish two "You Said, We Did" reports each year as an opportunity to highlight data-driven changes implemented in the MD Program based on student feedback. These reports aim to show students the power and impact of their feedback as a way to emphasize further the importance of completing evaluations. The topic areas include Admissions, Foundations, Clerkship, Learning Environments, Evaluations Feedback and Teacher Performance.

Furthermore, below, you will find the report of the Voice of the MD Student surveys, which includes a section on what has been done as a result of student feedback. 

Last, you will also find some of the legacy work that has been done over the last few years to improve the evaluation experiences based on student feedback. 

2021 Voice of the MD Student Survey Findings

Voice of the MD Student Survey Findings