What are students expected to do?

Evaluations in the MD Program

Students are expected to evaluate their learning activities. The Office of Assessment and Evaluation (OAE) has implemented a model called “Just in Time”. This model makes evaluations available to students prior to the learning activity, so students can complete the evaluation as soon as the activity is completed. Teachers and facilitators are encouraged to provide students with time at the end of the session to do so. In lectures, QR codes are also provided at the end of the session to take students to the evaluation page where they can complete the evaluation.

To support this Just in Time model, reduce recall bias, and ensure feedback is shared in a timely manner, we ask learners to complete their evaluations within 15 days of their learning activity.

Evaluations in Foundations (Years 1 & 2)

In addition to required evaluations, students are strongly encouraged to evaluate lectures, seminars and workshops they receive. Feedback from these evaluations informs future curricular content, teaching, and course planning. They are included in the Course Director's Annual Report and can contribute significantly to faculty members' teaching, as well as their promotion portfolio. We also encourage students complete End of Component evaluations (e.g., Clinical Skills, Anatomy Curriculum).

For further details, please see here for answers to frequently asked questions.

Evaluations in Clerkship (Years 3 & 4)

In addition to required evaluations, students are strongly encouraged to evaluate lectures, seminars and workshops they receive, as well as full components like Transition to Clerkship, Transition to Residency and Portfolio. Feedback from these evaluations informs future curricular content, teaching, and course planning. They are included in the Course Director's Annual Report and can contribute significantly to faculty members' teaching, as well as their promotion portfolios.

For further details, please see here for a detailed overview of the requirements and frequently asked questions about evaluations.