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Faces of U of T Medicine: Adam and David Bobrowski

Tell me a bit about yourself and your academic backgrounds.
Adam: I did my undergraduate degree in Pharmacology, with a graduate diploma in Clinical Research at McGill University. I am working as a Clinical Trials Co-Ordinator in the Cardiology Department of Montreal General Hospital. I am also the original first edition of the Bobrowski brothers.
David: I graduated from the Health Sciences Program at McMaster University.
Have you always wanted to be a doctor? What made you want to become one?
Adam: When I was 10 years old I severely fractured my right arm. At the time, I was afraid I would never be able to use my arm again. However, when I arrived at the ER at SickKids Hospital I was amazed by how the doctors were able to calm and control the situation. I recall thinking that the hospital was so cool. Later that year when my younger brother suffered an anaphylactic episode, I was again inspired by how the doctors were able to cure him. This reinforced my initial sentiment and I thought if I could learn to help my brother, it would be the most amazing thing.
I find that medicine encompasses everything I want in a career: a continuously evolving and intellectually challenging field, a collaborative work environment, working closely with people and most importantly, making a real difference on a personal and even societal level.
David: The more I learn about medicine, the more I want to become a doctor. Medicine is constantly evolving, which means I’ll continually have the opportunity to learn new things. Also, having a profession where I can help people has always been important to me. I’m lucky to have extraordinary role models in my life who inspired and supported me along the way.
What are aspects of med school are you looking forward to most?
David: I’m excited to meet my fellow classmates and professors, join the UofTMed community and most of all, to become a doctor!
Adam: The experience. I’m looking forward to studying subjects that I’m passionate about and learning invaluable skills that I’ll be using for the rest of my career. And of course, I’m excited to meet and make friends with my future colleagues.
What are your areas of interest? Do you know which specialty you’d like to pursue?
David: Considering the extensive number of specialties and subspecialties, I want to keep an open mind and explore these opportunities throughout my time at U of T until I have found my niche.
Adam: I am undecided. I want to keep an open mind and explore the opportunities available at U of T to find a field that satisfies my interests.
What do you think will be the most challenging part of being in medical school?
David: There’s a lot of uncertainty about what the next several years will be like. The idea of medical school is both intimidating and exciting. I know that establishing a routine that balances the demands of medical school with the rest of my life is going to be a challenge. Scouting out the best cup of coffee and napping spot near campus will be important steps.
Adam: First, I must overcome the imposter syndrome that I am currently experiencing and realize that I have indeed manage to gain admission to the best medical school in the country. Secondly, this is medical school - it’s going to be very challenging. While I feel that my experience spending many sleepless nights in the bowels of the library at McGill has instilled a strong work ethic, I realize I will need to be flexible and adjust my study habits to deal with the amount of information that will be heading my way this year.
Medical school is a lot of work. Do you have any hobbies or outlets that will help you de-stress?
David: I am fortunate to have a solid support system made up of family and friends. Whether I need a good laugh or to kvetch about something, these people have kept me afloat. Also, I find establishing a routine to be therapeutic. I try to make time every day to go for a walk outside to clear my mind, or go to the gym to pump up my endorphins.
Adam: A student that takes care of themselves outside the classroom will be able to perform well in the classroom. At least that is what my high school guidance counsellor told me. In any case, I’m particularly looking forward of taking advantage of the athletic facilities and the variety of intramural sports that are offered at U of T. Although I’m well aware of the importance of a well-balanced lifestyle, I’m almost positive that the first few exam weeks will involve a lot of Kraft Dinner, instant ramen and inactivity.
How does it feel to be starting medical school with your sibling?
David: It seems surreal. To be provided with the opportunity to experience what will likely be the most formative years of my life alongside my brother, a truly inspirational human being, is an honour and a privilege. I’ll mention that I’m the younger brother and he forced me to say that, but I’m pretty happy that I’ll be sharing this experience with him.
Adam: Well, if I can speak on behalf of my parents, they have been living the dream since May 9th. As the older sibling however, I’ll only permit myself to admit is of mediocre significance.
Faces of U of T Medicine introduces you to some of the interesting people studying in the Faculty of Medicine. From advising political leaders to providing care to Toronto’s most vulnerable populations, our students are making an impact on communities at home and around the world.
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